Paw Print Park Pack
Who are we?

Collecting Prairie Seed for PPP

Paw Print Park Volunteers after a rock-moving session.

Collecting Prairie Seed for PPP
We are the Paw Print Park community!
Anyone who visits Paw Print Park is a part of this community. It requires no membership, no signups and no fees. It doesn’t even require ownership of a dog. If you have an interest in protecting and improving a fantastic community resource, you are already a part of "The Pack". Welcome!
The Pack also refers to volunteers within this diverse community who have made personal choices to be advocates for a safe, sustainable, and functional environment at Paw Print Park.

Collecting Prairie Seed for PPP - Fall 2022

Volunteers moving rocks for the new water pad.

Collecting Prairie Seed for PPP - Fall 2022
Volunteer with "The Pack"
Looking for a way to get involved? The Pack works year-round on projects to improve the park environment and keep the park clean and safe for humans and dogs. Even 15 minutes of your time makes a big difference in the quality of the park.
Best part can bring your dog.
Organized events like Saturday maintenance days are scheduled, but DIY opportunities are also available. Drop us an email to find out more, read the bulletin board at the park, or check out the Paw Print Park Pack on Facebook! Links to sign up for water bowl cleaning and Adopt-a-Section are included below.

Seed collected for use at PPP - Fall 2022

Seed collected for use at PPP - Fall 2022
Log Your Hours
Pack volunteers supplement and augment the efforts of city staff in important, irreplaceable ways. Did you know that volunteers have logged over 4233 hours of service to the park community since 2018?
If you have spent time picking up poop, pulled invasive weeds, picked up trash or filled doggie-dig holes, you can add to the total!! Help us track the work that volunteers do to keep the park running smoothly.

Have we made a difference?
Since 2018, a growing group of dedicated, energetic, amazing volunteers has:
Contributed over 5100 hours of documented service to the City of Janesville and the community.
Provided volunteer labor to the City and the park at an estimated value of over $150,310.00 (
Advocated for accessibility improvements for people with mobility challenges, including: installation of additional benches and shade structures, accessible picnic table areas, trail grading and repair.
Improved dog park safety for citizens and dogs: filling dig sites created by dogs, the installation and maintenance of first aid kits, recommendations of self-closing/self-locking gate hardware, feces removal, and more.
Worked cooperatively with city staff and outside partners (Milwaukee School of Engineering) to design a long-term land use/development plan that improves the facility (2019).
Created a communications system to build park community and provide a forum for users.
Supported city sustainability goals by controlling various invasive and noxious weeds that are taking over the facility (reference Noxious Weed Ordinance 22-207).
Supported Janesville’s Bird City, USA designation with the establishment of a bluebird trail.
Engaged in ongoing efforts to repopulate the Paw Print Park site with native prairie plants.
Participated in multiple citizen science initiatives through EBird and Nestwatch (Cornell University), Monarchwatch (University of Kansas), and Pollinator Partnership programs.
Received a Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin - CD Besadney Grant for conservation work at the park (2019)
Received a grant from the Wisconsin Hardy Plant Society for conservation/repopulation of native plants at Paw Print Park (2020).
Supplemented existing city maintenance efforts with regular volunteer maintenance events.
Successfully advocated for changes to city ordinance to allow year-round dog access to the bike trails adjacent to Paw Print Park (2021).
Collaborated with the CoJ to install shade structures in the Small Dog Area (2021)
Collaborated with the CoJ to move park water service to a better location and expand the service to include the Small Dog Area (2021)
Awarded an Alliant Energy "Giving for Good" sponsorship (2021)
Recognized for conservation work at PPP with an "Invader Crusader" award through the Wisconsin Invasive Species Council (2022)
Awarded a grant from Janesville Noon Rotary - "Seating for Seniors" (2023)
Awarded a grant from Protect Wisconsin Waterways - Dog Waste Education project and signage improvements at PPP (2023)
Awarded a prairie seed grant from Pollinator Partnership (2023)
Collaborated with the CoJ and a private donor to install a dedicated entrance for the Small Dog Area (2023).
Became a Monarch Waystation - the first city facility to earn the designation from Monarchwatch (2023)
Recognized locally for conservation work and local environmental leadership at Paw Print Park with a Sustainable Janesville Award (2024).
Worked with the CoJ to repair and stabilize the "lower trail" (.75 miles of walking trail) with crushed limestone substrate to limit ice, standing water and slippery trail conditions for safe, sustainable, long-term use. (2024)