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Pack Resources
Miss a meeting? Have a question about an item we are working on or advocating for?
Check out the information below or contact us!
Volunteer Meeting Minutes

Park Volunteers working in "the Nursery", preparing for more native plants.

Park volunteers installed a Bluebird trail in 2019. The boxes provide shelter for nesting Bluebirds

Park Volunteers working in "the Nursery", preparing for more native plants.
Volunteer meetings occur as needed, are announced as early as possible (usually a month in advance), and posted to all our media channels. They are held in publicly accessible facilities or on Zoom (COVID). All are welcome to attend and contribute.
Volunteer Meeting Minutes
Current Advocacy Items

Water Pad
The water pad at PPP was relocated in 2021. Both the Small dog and All-dog areas now have access to water.

SDA Shade Structure - newly installed_edited
Newly Installed (June 2021) shade structure in the Small Dog Area at Paw Print Park

The Paw Print Park parking lot occasionally reaches capacity.

Water Pad
The water pad at PPP was relocated in 2021. Both the Small dog and All-dog areas now have access to water.
Current Advocacy Items:
Trail Stabilization - .75 mi of upper trail still require stabilization. (.75 mi of lower trail completed in 2024)
North woods - ON HOLD after June 2024 Tornado destroyed the north woods.
Invasive species/noxious weed control and prairie restoration inside the park.
Long term Planning recommendations
MSOE (2019) Recommendations for Paw Print Park
Front Gate congestion and traffic flow concerns​
Epay options (annual and daily tags)
Additional shade canopy at the northeast end of the park (post tornado - SHADE FOR SENIORS project)
Approved Annual Project

Sunrise from the Small Dog Area
A beautiful morning in the Small Dog area. Photo by MMW, park patron and volunteer photographer.

Park volunteers cooling off and taking a breather on a HOT maintenance day at the park.

Sunrise from the Small Dog Area
A beautiful morning in the Small Dog area. Photo by MMW, park patron and volunteer photographer.
Approved Projects:
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